Source code for prdtools.table

import os
import argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing as tp
from numbers import Number
import locale

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

    import click
except ImportError:
    click = None

from .math import *

__all__ = (
    'TableParameters', 'TableResult', 'well_height_table', 'prime_root_table',
    'well_width', 'build_diag_indices', 'ValidationError', 'TableArray', 'TABLE_DTYPE',

TABLE_DTYPE = np.dtype([
    ('primes', int),
    ('indices', int),
    ('wells', float),
"""A :term:`structured data type` for table results

:param primes: Value from the :func:`prime root sequence <.math.prime_root_seq>`
:param indices: The index of the *primes* value within the sequence
:param wells: The physical well height calculated from *primes* and the
    design wavelength

TableArray = tp.NewType('TableArray', npt.NDArray[TABLE_DTYPE])
"""A structured array of type :data:`TABLE_DTYPE`

[docs]class ValidationError(ValueError): """Raised by :class:`TableParameters` if any parameter values are invalid """ #: Error message msg: str #: Tuples of ``(field_name, value)`` that caused the error fields: tp.Sequence[tp.Tuple[str, tp.Any]] #: Field name(s) that caused the error field_names: tp.Tuple[str] def __init__(self, msg, *fields): self.msg = msg self.fields = fields self.field_names = tuple([fname for fname, fval in fields]) def __str__(self): if len(self.fields) == 1: fname, fval = self.fields[0] return f'Value "{fval}" invalid for "{fname}": {self.msg}' elif len(self.fields): fields = ', '.join(self.field_names) return f'Invalid values for "{fields}": {self.msg}' else: return self.msg
[docs]def build_diag_indices( nrows: int, ncols: int ) -> tp.Tuple[npt.NDArray[int], npt.NDArray[int]]: """Create indices for all diagonals of a 2-d array of shape ``(nrows, ncols)`` The results may be used to directly index an array of shape ``(nrows, ncols)`` along the diagonals. Arguments: nrows: Number of rows in the array (``shape[0]``) ncols: Number of columns in the array (``shape[1]``) """ size = nrows * ncols rows = np.resize(np.arange(nrows), size) cols = np.resize(np.arange(ncols), size) return rows, cols
[docs]def prime_root_table(parameters: 'TableParameters') -> TableArray: """Calculate well indices and prime elements for the given :class:`TableParameters` The returned array will be of shape ``(nrows, ncols)`` """ p = parameters p.validate() root_gen = prime_root_seq(p.prime_num, p.prime_root) result = np.zeros((p.nrows, p.ncols), dtype=TABLE_DTYPE) diag_ix = build_diag_indices(p.nrows, p.ncols) primes = np.fromiter(root_gen, dtype=int) primes = np.resize(primes, result.size) result['primes'][diag_ix] = primes result['indices'][diag_ix] = np.arange(result.size) return result
def calc_hi_frequency( well_width: Number, speed_of_sound: tp.Optional[Number] = SPEED_OF_SOUND ) -> int: """Calculate the highest diffusion frequency for the given well width Arguments: well_width: The well width in centimeters speed_of_sound: Speed of sound in meters per second """ hf = frequency_cm(well_width * 2, speed_of_sound) return round(hf)
[docs]def well_height_table(parameters: 'TableParameters') -> TableArray: """Calculate the well heights in centimeters for the given :class:`TableParameters` The returned array will be of shape ``(nrows, ncols)`` """ p = parameters result = prime_root_table(p) w = wavelength_cm(p.design_freq, p.speed_of_sound) result['wells'] = result['primes'] * w / (p.prime_num*2) return result
[docs]@dataclass class TableParameters: """Parameters used to calculate a :class:`TableResult` :attr:`ncols` and :attr:`nrows` must be coprime factors of :attr:`prime_num` """ #: Number of table columns ncols: int #: Number of table rows nrows: int #: The basis prime number where ``prime_num - 1 == ncols * nrows`` prime_num: int #: A :term:`primitive root` of :attr:`prime_num` used to calculate the sequence prime_root: int #: The lowest frequency (in Hz) the diffusor is designed for design_freq: int #: The width of each well in centimeters well_width: tp.Optional[float] = 3.81 #: Speed of sound in meters per second speed_of_sound: tp.Optional[int] = SPEED_OF_SOUND @property def high_frequency(self) -> int: """The highest diffusion frequency possible with the specified :attr:`well_width` and :attr:`speed_of_sound` """ return calc_hi_frequency(self.well_width, self.speed_of_sound) @property def total_width(self) -> float: """The total width of the diffusor in centimeters """ return self.well_width * self.ncols @property def total_height(self) -> float: """The total height of the diffusor in centimeters """ return self.well_width * self.nrows
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Validate the parameters Raises: ValidationError: If any parameters are invalid """ p = self.prime_num r = self.prime_root if not is_prime(p): raise ValidationError( 'Not a prime number', ('prime_num', p), ) if not is_prim_root(r, p): raise ValidationError( f'{r} is not a primitive root of {p}', ('prime_root', r), ) num_wells = self.ncols * self.nrows if num_wells != p - 1: raise ValidationError( 'ncols * nrows must equal prime_num-1', ('ncols', self.ncols), ('nrows', self.nrows), ) if not is_coprime(self.ncols, self.nrows): raise ValidationError( 'ncols and nrows must be coprime', ('ncols', self.ncols), ('nrows', self.nrows), )
[docs] def calculate(self) -> 'TableResult': """Calculate the :func:`well height table <well_height_table>` and return it as a :class:`TableResult` """ data = well_height_table(self) return TableResult(self, data)
[docs]class TableResult: """A calculated table result """ #: The :class:`TableParameters` used to generate the result parameters: TableParameters #: The result array calculated by :func:`well_height_table` data: TableArray #: The well heights in :attr:`data` rounded to the nearest centimeter well_heights: npt.NDArray[int] def __init__(self, parameters: TableParameters, data: TableArray): self.parameters = parameters = data self.well_heights = np.asarray(np.rint(data['wells']), dtype=int) self._line_width = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameters(cls, parameters: TableParameters) -> 'TableResult': """Calculate the result from the given :class:`TableParameters` """ return parameters.calculate()
[docs] @classmethod def from_kwargs(cls, **kwargs) -> 'TableResult': """Calculate the result using parameter values as keyword arguments The keyword arguments given must include all necessary values to create a :class:`TableParameters` instance """ parameters = TableParameters(**kwargs) return cls.from_parameters(parameters)
[docs] def get_well_counts(self) -> tp.Dict[int, int]: """Count the total number of each unique well height in :attr:`well_heights` Returns the result as a dict of ``{well_height: count}`` """ heights = self.well_heights bins = np.unique(heights) bins.sort() counts = [heights[heights==h].size for h in bins] return {h:c for h,c in zip(bins, counts)}
def _calc_line_width(self) -> int: line_width = self._line_width if line_width is not None: return line_width line_width = np.get_printoptions()['linewidth'] heights = self.well_heights s = np.array2string(heights, separator=',', max_line_width=line_width) lines = s.splitlines() if not lines[0].endswith('],'): line_width += len(lines[1]) s = np.array2string(heights, separator=',', max_line_width=line_width) self._line_width = line_width return line_width
[docs] def to_csv( self, separator: tp.Optional[str] = ',', offset: tp.Optional[int] = 0 ) -> str: """Format the :attr:`well_heights` array as a multiline string of comma-separated values The *offset* argument will be added to the :attr:`well_heights` before output. For well heights of ``0``, there would be no block attached to the diffusor in that position. If (for aesthetic reasons) this is undesirable, an offset of ``1`` (for example) could be applied to all wells. Arguments: offset: An offset to apply to the well heights. Can be used if wells of height ``0`` are undesired. """ heights = self.well_heights + offset line_width = self._calc_line_width() lines = [] for i in range(heights.shape[0]): row = heights[i] s = np.array2string(row, separator=separator, max_line_width=line_width) s = s.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') lines.append(s) return os.linesep.join(lines)
[docs] def to_rst(self, offset: tp.Optional[int] = 0) -> str: """Format the :attr:`well_heights` array as an :duref:`rST table <grid-tables>` The *offset* argument will be added to the :attr:`well_heights` before output. For well heights of ``0``, there would be no block attached to the diffusor in that position. If (for aesthetic reasons) this is undesirable, an offset of ``1`` (for example) could be applied to all wells. Arguments: offset: An offset to apply to the well heights. Can be used if wells of height ``0`` are undesired. """ nrows, ncols = self.parameters.nrows, self.parameters.ncols value_lines = self.to_csv(offset=offset).splitlines() cell_width = value_lines[0].index(',') + 1 row_sep = '-' * cell_width row_sep = f'+{row_sep}' * ncols row_sep = f'{row_sep}+' lines = [row_sep] for line in value_lines: line = ' |'.join(line.split(',')) line = f'|{line} |' lines.append(line) lines.append(row_sep) return os.linesep.join(lines)
def get_info_str(self, offset: tp.Optional[int] = 0) -> str: lines = ['Well Counts:'] counts = {k+offset:v for k,v in self.get_well_counts().items()} lines.append(os.linesep.join([f'{k:2d}cm: {v:2d}' for k,v in counts.items()])) total_length = (self.well_heights + offset).sum() p = self.parameters lines.extend([ '', f'Total well length: {total_length:n}cm', f'Highest frequency: {p.high_frequency:n} Hz', f'Total size: {p.total_width:.3f}cm x {p.total_height}cm' ]) return os.linesep.join(lines)
def _main_argparse(): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, '') p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('ncols', type=int) p.add_argument('nrows', type=int) p.add_argument('-p', '--prime', dest='prime_num', type=int) p.add_argument('-r', '--root', dest='prime_root', type=int) p.add_argument('-f', '--freq', dest='design_freq', type=int, required=True) p.add_argument('-w', '--well-width', dest='well_width', type=float, default=3.81, ) p.add_argument('-s', '--sos', dest='speed_of_sound', type=int, help='Speed of sound (in meters per second)', default=SPEED_OF_SOUND, ) p.add_argument( '--offset', dest='offset', type=int, default=0, ) p.add_argument( '--format', dest='format', choices=('csv', 'rst'), default='csv', ) args = p.parse_args() if args.prime_num is None: args.prime_num = args.ncols * args.nrows + 1 print(f'{args.prime_num=}') assert is_prime(args.prime_num) if args.prime_root is None: args.prime_root = min(prim_roots(args.prime_num)) out_fmt = args.format offset = args.offset kwargs = vars(args) del kwargs['format'] del kwargs['offset'] result = TableResult.from_kwargs(**kwargs) if out_fmt == 'csv': print(result.to_csv(offset=offset)) else: print(result.to_rst(offset=offset)) print('') print(result.get_info_str(offset=offset)) print('') return result if click is not None: @click.command() @click.argument('ncols', type=int) @click.argument('nrows', type=int) @click.option('-p', '--prime-num', type=int) @click.option('-r', '--prime-root', type=int) @click.option('-f', '--design-freq', type=int, required=True) @click.option('-w', '--well-width', default=3.81) @click.option('-s', '--speed-of-sound', default=SPEED_OF_SOUND) @click.option('--offset', default=0) @click.option('--format', type=click.Choice(['csv', 'rst'], case_sensitive=False), default='rst', ) def build(**kwargs): offset, out_fmt = kwargs.pop('offset'), kwargs.pop('format') param_kw = kwargs.copy() if not param_kw['prime_num']: param_kw['prime_num'] = param_kw['ncols'] * param_kw['nrows'] + 1 if not param_kw['prime_root']: roots = list(prim_roots(param_kw['prime_num'])) if len(roots) > 10: roots = roots[:11] roots = [str(v) for v in roots] pr = click.prompt( 'Choose a primitive root', type=click.Choice(roots), ) param_kw['prime_root'] = int(pr) result = TableResult.from_kwargs(**param_kw) if out_fmt == 'csv': print(result.to_csv(offset=offset)) else: print(result.to_rst(offset=offset)) print('') print(result.get_info_str(offset=offset)) print('') def main(): if click is not None: click_cli() else: _main_argparse() if __name__ == '__main__': main()