Source code for prdtools.math

from math import gcd
from functools import lru_cache
import typing as tp
from numbers import Number

__all__ = (
    'SPEED_OF_SOUND', 'wavelength_meters', 'wavelength_cm',
    'frequency_meters', 'frequency_cm', 'prim_roots', 'is_prim_root',
    'has_prim_roots', 'num_prim_roots', 'is_prime',
    'is_coprime', 'iter_divisors', 'iter_coprimes', 'prime_root_seq',
    'totient', 'carmichael',

SPEED_OF_SOUND: Number = 343
"""Speed of sound in meters per second at 20°C (68°F)

[docs]def wavelength_meters( freq: int, sos: tp.Optional[Number] = SPEED_OF_SOUND ) -> Number: """Calculate the wavelength of the given frequency in meters Arguments: freq: The frequency in Hz sos: Speed of sound in meters per second """ if sos is None: sos = SPEED_OF_SOUND return sos / freq
[docs]def wavelength_cm( freq: int, sos: tp.Optional[Number] = SPEED_OF_SOUND ) -> Number: """Calculate the wavelength of the given frequency in centimeters Arguments: freq: The frequency in Hz sos: Speed of sound in meters per second """ return wavelength_meters(freq, sos) * 100
[docs]def frequency_meters( wavelength: Number, sos: tp.Optional[Number] = SPEED_OF_SOUND ) -> Number: """Calculate the frequency of the given wavelength in meters Arguments: wavelength: The wavelength in meters sos: Speed of sound in meters per second """ if sos is None: sos = SPEED_OF_SOUND return sos / wavelength
[docs]def frequency_cm( wavelength: Number, sos: tp.Optional[Number] = SPEED_OF_SOUND ) -> Number: """Calculate the frequency of the given wavelength in centimeters Arguments: wavelength: The wavelength in centimeters sos: Speed of sound in meters per second """ return frequency_meters(wavelength / 100, sos)
@lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def get_powers_modulo(g: int, modulo: int) -> tp.Set[int]: return {pow(g, p, modulo) for p in range(1, modulo)}
[docs]def prim_roots(modulo: int) -> tp.Iterable[int]: """Calculate all :term:`primitive roots <primitive root>` for the given modulo """ if is_prime(modulo): required = set(range(1, modulo)) for g in range(modulo): powers = get_powers_modulo(g, modulo) if powers == required: yield g
[docs]def is_prim_root(root: int, modulo: int) -> bool: """Determine if the given *root* is a :term:`primitive root` of *modulo* """ if not is_prime(modulo): return False if not is_coprime(root, modulo): return False phi = totient(modulo) result_set = get_powers_modulo(root, modulo) return len(result_set) == phi
[docs]def has_prim_roots(n: int) -> bool: r"""Determine if *n* has any :term:`primitive roots <primitive root>` True if :math:`\varphi (n) = \lambda (n)` """ return totient(n) == carmichael(n)
[docs]def num_prim_roots(n: int) -> int: r"""Return the number of :term:`primitive roots <primitive root>` of *n* Uses the equation :math:`\varphi (\varphi (n))` """ return totient(totient(n))
[docs]@lru_cache def totient(n: int) -> int: r"""Compute :term:`Euler's totient function` :math:`\varphi (n)` """ count = 0 for k in range(1, n+1): if is_coprime(n, k): count += 1 return count
[docs]def carmichael(n: int) -> int: r"""Compute the :term:`Carmichael function` :math:`\lambda (n)` """ coprimes = [x for x in range(1, n) if is_coprime(x, n)] k = 1 while not all(pow(x, k, n) == 1 for x in coprimes): k += 1 return k
def congruence_classes(n: int) -> tp.List[int]: results = [] for k in range(1, n + 1): if gcd(n, k) == 1: results.append(k) return results
[docs]def is_prime(n: int) -> bool: """Return True if *n* is a prime number """ n = abs(n) if n == 0: return False return all((n % i != 0 for i in range(2, int(n**.5)+1)))
[docs]def is_coprime(a: int, b: int) -> bool: """Return True if a and b are :term:`coprime` """ return gcd(a, b) == 1
[docs]def iter_divisors(total_size: int) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[int, int]]: """Iterate over all possible numerator/denominator pairs of the given number """ if total_size == 4: yield 2, 2 seen = set() for i in range(2, total_size // 2): if i in seen: continue v = total_size / i if v in seen: continue intv = int(v) if v == intv: yield i, intv seen |= set([i, intv])
[docs]def iter_coprimes(total_size: int) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[int, int]]: """Iterate over all :term:`coprime` pairs for the given number """ for i, v in iter_divisors(total_size): if is_coprime(i, v): yield i, v
[docs]def prime_root_seq( prime_num: int, prime_root: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> tp.Iterable[int]: r"""Calculate the primitive root sequence :math:`S_h` for the given prime and its root .. math:: S_h = g ^ h \bmod{N} where :math:`N` = *prime_num*, :math:`g` = *prime_root* and :math:`h` is the sequence index (starting with 1). The sequence continues until the first repetition of :math:`S_h`. Arguments: prime_num: Prime number for the sequence prime_root: A :term:`primitive root` of the *prime_num*. If not given, an attempt will be made to find the first primitive root """ if prime_root is None: prime_root = min(prim_roots(prime_num)) seen = set() h = 1 while True: Sh = (prime_root ** h) % prime_num if Sh in seen: break yield Sh seen.add(Sh) h += 1